Evangelist エバンジェリスト
伊藤 隆彦
Takahiko Ito
International experience in scaling >600 startups and funding >100 joint innovation projects in 49 countries. Represented Singapore in the EUREKA Network. Strong international network and resources to help startups and tech companies accelerate their growth in sectors like biomedical sciences, healthcare, education and logistics. Experience in attracting top foreign universities to establish a campus in Singapore.
大平 貴久
Takahisa Ohira
独立系ITコンサルティングファームにて、金融サービス企業(クレジットカード、証券、消費者金融)に対するコンサルティングに従事。その後、国内雑誌出版社の事業開発部へ出向。Webプロデューサーとして、2年間に6事業を立ち上げる。その後ベンチャー支援会社に入社。FinTechリーダーとして、IT技術&金融業界への知見と新規事業創出経験、メディア運営経験を活かし、ベンチャー企業支援(FinTech、メディア、EC領域)と大企業向け新規事業開発コンサルティングを提供。2017年より、プラットフォーム事業部長を務め、ベンチャープラットフォームの運営や官公庁案件の統括を行う。2019年より、Head of Asia Regionを務めシンガポールを拠点に、アジア(東南アジア、インド)のベンチャー企業支援と日本のベンチャー企業のアジア進出支援を行う。日経FinTech、週刊ダイヤモンド等での執筆やコメント、講演での登壇多数。FinTech City Asiaのパネルや国内外の多くのビジネスコンテスト審査員を務める。
CS has 18 years of experience working with startups of various stages in Singapore, Southeast Asia, Europe and US through industry promotion and investment roles. She is well versed in early-stage investment transactions and post investment work required to help these startups scale up within their own market and across Southeast Asia. Chieh Suang is currently the VC & PE practice lead for Asia at Oracle NetSuite, with focus on partnership with VC and PE partnership.
川端 隆史
Takashi Kawabata
I am a purpose driven senior management executive on a mission to transform the world with widespread adoption of sustainable ways to feed the world. With more than 25 years of Asia Pacific management experience having provided functional leadership in Business Development, Procurement, Manufacturing, Packaging, Certifications & Standards, Logistics Supply Chain Management and Alternative Proteins.Kelvin has shared on trends in Asia including and not limited food and beverage, retail and trade. A TedEx Singapore speaker, his insights have been featured on several mainstream media such as CNA, CNN, Bloomberg, Mediacorp.
Aside from Float Foods, he advises a number of SMEs, family offices, startups and Fortune 500 companies seeking expertise in Asia Pacific, helping strategize key decisions including long-term growth, delivery models and business expansion.
In his capacity at the Public Sector Startups Asia Pacific & Japan team at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tuan engages with startups, investors and partners in sectors such as healthcare, smart cities, sustainability, agriculture, digital government, space technology, etc. to help such companies scale through technology mentorship, community networks, and go-to-market support.
Tuan is passionate about science and technology innovation for economic and social good. Prior to AWS, Tuan spearheaded various programs, such as an Open Innovation initiative that catalyzes corporate-startup collaborations across Asia, and the Deep Tech for Good platform showcasing startup solutions that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
鈴木 隆宏
Takahiro Suzuki
Chandra Firmanto is the Founder and Managing Partner of Indogen Capital ( a Southeast Asia Venture Capital based in Indonesia with more than 30+ portfolio companies, 5 exits, and 1 Unicorns. Indogen Capital is the founder's best partner to help well-performing startups to penetrate network over 150 cities across Indonesia, Indogen's role as the founder's best partner for startups can be seen from Indogen's milestone best practices which continuously give birth to various successful startups both in domestic and foreign countries, those who are not only successful but also grow well and well-developed in winning the Indonesian market).
内藤 兼二
Kenji Naito
2006年リクルート入社。2010年より中国へ出向。上海に赴任。中国での事業拡大に伴い3拠点(蘇州・天津・大連)の設立、立ち上げに従事。後にベトナムに赴任し、同社タイ法人を兼務し新規設立。14年に退職後、人材紹介会社Reeracoen Malaysiaを設立・クアラルンプールに赴任。18年にグループの代表に就任。20年にはアジア17拠点に展開し、新規設立から撤退まで人材事業のみならず各国での会社経営に関わる。13年間アジアの人材マーケットに関わり、人材紹介、クロスボーダーリクルートメント、エキスパートソリューションズ、HRテック事業を展開。
He is an innovator at heart with a mission to drive the growth of companies through the power of intellectual property. He is a strong advocate for the use of intangible assets and a specialist in developing brand, technology, and growth strategies for private companies through global IP strategies, IP monetization, IP risk aversion, technology IP innovations, and IP to business strategies.In recognition of his expertise in IP strategy, he has been named to the IAM Strategy 300 list since 2016.
He left his senior role as the former head of Panasonic’s IP Group (ASEAN) and founded Piece Future, Asia’s Intellectual Property Investment Bank, which serves as a vital key in the IP innovation ecosystem.
足立 幸太郎
Kotaro Adachi