Evangelist Details エバンジェリスト詳細

藤岡 資正

Nihal Chauhan

  • 所属: Indo Pacific Advisory Pte. Ltd.
  • 役職: CEO & FOUNDER

With more than 15 years of experience in international business development, policy, and strategy, he previously led Google's trade policy in the Asia Pacific region. He managed the public policy team in India, and prior to Google, led business development and strategy initiatives at the Tata Group, where he also served as Chief of Staff to former Group President Tata Sons. As a board member of The Population Reference Bureau, he has chaired committees and held a number of prestigious positions, including International Strategy Fellow at Schmidt Futures and the David Rockefeller Fellowship of the Tri-Lateral Commission. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the International Strategy Committee of Schmidt Futures.
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