Terms and Conditions

Japan Southeast Asia Innovation Platform (JSIP)
Overview of Consortium Companies and key terms

What is JSIP

JSIP is a “Co-creation” community platform designed to accelerate the launch and expansion of new businesses for Japanese companies operating in Southeast Asia.

By bringing together people with similar missions and enabling them to collaborate organically across industry, sector and organizational boundaries, we are building a foundation in Singapore that will dramatically accelerate the growth of new businesses in Southeast Asia.
In particular, by precisely addressing the seven key challenges (please refer to the HP) that many companies tackling new businesses face during the start-up phase, we aim to not only drastically shorten the preparation period required for start-up, but also to encourage the active sharing of success and failure cases within the community, and to constantly update the community platform itself.

What is a Consortium Company

Consortium Companies are corporate members who agree with the concept of the JSIP and are willing to actively leverage the platform to accelerate their innovations and new businesses more effectively.

Although the JSIP is not a commercial platform and is fundamentally built on the contributions of community participants towards the realisation of the above vision, there are costs associated with platform operation (quality maintenance, additional development, content creation, event management, etc.). Consortium Companies are therefore required to contribute to membership costs in return for the benefits of membership (see below for details).


JSIP values the following three values and would only invite companies and individuals who share these concepts and principles to join JSIP.

  • Commons Driven: We will foster a culture that values objectives that goes beyond the boundaries of organizations and industries, rather than being limited to the objectives of a company and its individuals.
  • The Power of Community: We believe that innovation can happen when people connect with each other and share essential knowledge, including tacit knowledge. Therefore, we aim to create a community with psychological safety where hints and small buds of innovation can grow.
  • Co-creation: We value the mindset of creating together by proactively sharing ideas, information, networks and experience with the community.

Key Terms

Main benefits for Consortium Companies

  1. Participation in JSIP Roundtable
    1. JSIP Roundtable is held twice a year. Participants can gather across sectors to not only share case studies of new value creation initiatives (including failures), but also learn about the latest industry trends and discuss new business ideas, etc.
    2. This event will be a closed event and therefore open only to a limited number of members, including Consortium Company representatives (up to two from each company), JSIP Evangelists and Local Ecosystem Partners.
  2. Participation in JSIP Lounge
    1. JSIP Lounge is a great networking opportunity to meet startups, investors, enterprises and authorities and exchange notes.
    2. It is regularly held in Singapore (every 2 weeks) and in Tokyo as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, etc on an ad-hoc basis.
  3. Participation in JSIP Reverse Pitch
    1. JSIP Reverse Pitch is an annual pitch program to share your problem statements and/or collaboration needs to Southeast Asia startups and investors where you can effectively source local partners.
    2. Up to 5 Consortium Companies can participate and it is separately priced (S$2k~5k, depending on the plan)
  4. Publication of the company logo and initiatives on the website
    1. The company logo will be displayed on the ‘Consortium Companies’ part of the JSIP website.
    2. Each company is entitled to own a page within the JSIP website to share their initiatives and challenge statements which may facilitate sourcing of partners.
  5. JSIP Community Slack
    1. You may register up to 3 members from your company to join the online community using Slack.
    2. One can casually ask questions, request introductions, ask for advice, etc. and participants will warmly help you.

*Please take note that the above list may be updated to better meet your needs

Onboarding Process

  • Please submit the following items
    • Signed application form
    • Signed logo license agreement
    • Corporate logo data (PNG or JPEG)
    • Written description of your business (in Japanese, about 100 characters)
    • Email addresses of your team members for Slack registration (up to 3)
    • WhatsApp numbers of your team members to receive JSIP announcements (unlimited)
  • Please process the payment of the corporate membership fee within one month of attached invoice.


  • The term of membership shall be one year from the date of the application form. If no withdrawal notifications are received at least two months before the expiry of the term, it shall be renewed for another year on the same terms and conditions, and in the same way thereafter.
  • The membership will be cancelled if any of the following events occur
    • If the member declares its intention to withdraw in writing at least two months before the expiry of the term.
    • If the Consortium Company itself ceases to exist
    • When the JSIP has notified the expulsion of a member for reasons such as conduct that is significantly contrary to the founding objectives of the JSIP or JSIP Values.
    • If JSIP is dissolved or ceases to exist
  • Please note that no refunds will be made in the event of loss of Consortium Company status.

Fee: S$ 5,000 per year / company

  • The fees will only be used for JSIP’s operation costs (hiring of community managers and organizing members, delivery of services and events, website development, creation of content, etc.,).

Logo use and marketing

  • The logos of the consortium companies will appear on the website and in other JSIP marketing materials including our social media. If you agree, please sign and submit the attached logo license agreement.
  • In view of the workload on both parties, JSIP will basically create and post content on Facebook and other SNS at its own discretion, except for press releases, media and other materials of a more public nature, which will be subject to confirmation by the Consortium Company.

Handling of confidential information

  • All JSIP participants, including Consortium Companies, are requested to strictly manage “confidential information” obtained through JSIP with the duty of care of a good manager, so as not to disclose or leak it to third parties outside the community without the consent of the disclosing party, or to avoid management methods that may risk leakage. We request you to take the utmost care in the management of your personal information.
    • *Confidential information means: information, findings or methods for which the disclosing party has indicated in writing or orally that the information is confidential (but does not include public information or information that can reasonably be judged to be generally known).
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