Evolving Community for Innovation Among Japanese Businesses in Southeast Asia
What is JSIP

Evolving Community
for Innovation

Among Japanese Businesses in Southeast Asia

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About Us
Photographed in March 2024 event

About Us

JSIP is a "Co-creation" community platform created for Japanese companies working on new businesses in Southeast Asia, with the aim of accelerating and expanding it.

By bringing together people with similar missions to synergy together across industry, sector and organizational boundaries, we are building a foundation in Singapore that will dramatically accelerate the growth of new businesses in Southeast Asia.

Three Pillars of the Platform









We share not only information that can be found through searches, but also real and up-to-date information that only locals can find out.


We will connect you with the right person from many professionals or arrange an opportunity to meet with them.


We will introduce you to government and private programs that you may need to test your business plan and help you find partners to collaborate with your POC.
For Ecosystem Partner

For Ecosystem Partner

When a company from abroad is eyeing new ventures in Southeast Asia, building the right connections is key. This means linking up with government entities, investors, incubators, and startups in the know.

We're on the lookout for a variety of partners ready to collaborate. If the idea of joining forces with Japanese innovators sparks your interest, drop us a line at JSIP. Let's unite our efforts and ignite the spark of innovation together.

Please come and visit the JSIP Lounge or contact us !


We offer a range of services to accelerate new business in Sountheast Asia.
JSIP Lounge

JSIP Lounge

This is an event held twice a month in Singapore (each session lasting one hour) where members with a mission for new business ventures freely interact across industry and organizational boundaries, and inspire one another. This space, centered around the concept of "casual conversation," aims for people facing similar challenges to connect easily and for new business ideas and breakthroughs to emerge from unexpected encounters.
Service 01
JSIP Round Table

JSIP Round Table

This is an event held in April and October where all JSIP Consortium Companies gather to share and learn from each other about the challenges they have faced and the insights they have gained in promoting new business ventures. To facilitate more intensive information exchange among participants, the event is held offline, and so far, it has taken place in Singapore and Japan.
Service 02
JSIP Reverse Pitch

JSIP Reverse Pitch

This event is a pitching session conducted by a selected number of JSIP Consortium Companies, aimed at recruiting co-creation partners for new business ventures, primarily targeting startups and investors from Southeast Asia. It is held once a year in a hybrid format, with participation from over 100 prospective co-creation partners.
Service 03
JSIP Community Slack

JSIP Community Slack

JSIP Community Slack that all JSIP members participate in. This online platform was created to provide a space where members can directly contact and ask JSIP Evangelists and other JSIP members. It is also used for announcements of their company events and for seeking introductions to potential contacts during business trips.
Service 04
JSIP Acceleration Program

JSIP Acceleration Program

This program is designed for startups, SMEs, and local governments looking to launch new businesses in Southeast Asia. It supports the initial preparation and launch phases by collaborating with governments and ecosystem partners in various countries. The program offers events such as startup pitch events and provides customized plans tailored to specific needs that are requested.
Service 05

JSIP Loungeicon-menu-arrow

JSIP Lounge

JSIP Lounge

This is an event held twice a month in Singapore (each session lasting one hour) where members with a mission for new business ventures freely interact across industry and organizational boundaries, and inspire one another. This space, centered around the concept of "casual conversation," aims for people facing similar challenges to connect easily and for new business ideas and breakthroughs to emerge from unexpected encounters.
Service 01

JSIP Round Tableicon-menu-arrow

JSIP Round Table

JSIP Round Table

This is an event held in April and October where all JSIP Consortium Companies gather to share and learn from each other about the challenges they have faced and the insights they have gained in promoting new business ventures. To facilitate more intensive information exchange among participants, the event is held offline, and so far, it has taken place in Singapore and Japan.
Service 02

JSIP Reverse Pitchicon-menu-arrow

JSIP Reverse Pitch

JSIP Reverse Pitch

This event is a pitching session conducted by a selected number of JSIP Consortium Companies, aimed at recruiting co-creation partners for new business ventures, primarily targeting startups and investors from Southeast Asia. It is held once a year in a hybrid format, with participation from over 100 prospective co-creation partners.
Service 03

JSIP Community Slackicon-menu-arrow

JSIP Community Slack

JSIP Community Slack

JSIP Community Slack that all JSIP members participate in. This online platform was created to provide a space where members can directly contact and ask JSIP Evangelists and other JSIP members. It is also used for announcements of their company events and for seeking introductions to potential contacts during business trips.
Service 04

JSIP Acceleration Programicon-menu-arrow

JSIP Acceleration Program

JSIP Acceleration Program

This program is designed for startups, SMEs, and local governments looking to launch new businesses in Southeast Asia. It supports the initial preparation and launch phases by collaborating with governments and ecosystem partners in various countries. The program offers events such as startup pitch events and provides customized plans tailored to specific needs that are requested.
Service 05


Experts who have agreed to act as advisors in the development of new businesses *Support that requires individual contracts will be charged separately.

Takamasa Fujioka


Takahiko Ito

N9 Pte Ltd

Jonathan Lim

International experience in scaling >600 startups and funding >100 joint innovation projects in 49 countries. Represented Singapore in the EUREKA Network. Strong international network and resources to help startups and tech companies accelerate their growth in sectors like biomedical sciences, healthcare, education and logistics. Experience in attracting top foreign universities to establish a campus in Singapore.

Takahisa Ohira

独立系ITコンサルティングファームにて、金融サービス企業(クレジットカード、証券、消費者金融)に対するコンサルティングに従事。その後、国内雑誌出版社の事業開発部へ出向。Webプロデューサーとして、2年間に6事業を立ち上げる。その後ベンチャー支援会社に入社。FinTechリーダーとして、IT技術&金融業界への知見と新規事業創出経験、メディア運営経験を活かし、ベンチャー企業支援(FinTech、メディア、EC領域)と大企業向け新規事業開発コンサルティングを提供。2017年より、プラットフォーム事業部長を務め、ベンチャープラットフォームの運営や官公庁案件の統括を行う。2019年より、Head of Asia Regionを務めシンガポールを拠点に、アジア(東南アジア、インド)のベンチャー企業支援と日本のベンチャー企業のアジア進出支援を行う。日経FinTech、週刊ダイヤモンド等での執筆やコメント、講演での登壇多数。FinTech City Asiaのパネルや国内外の多くのビジネスコンテスト審査員を務める。

Khor Chieh Suang

Oracle NetSuite
CS has 18 years of experience working with startups of various stages in Singapore, Southeast Asia, Europe and US through industry promotion and investment roles. She is well versed in early-stage investment transactions and post investment work required to help these startups scale up within their own market and across Southeast Asia. Chieh Suang is currently the VC & PE practice lead for Asia at Oracle NetSuite, with focus on partnership with VC and PE partnership.

Takashi Kawabata


Kelvin Ng

Green Bridge Partners
I am a purpose driven senior management executive on a mission to transform the world with widespread adoption of sustainable ways to feed the world. With more than 25 years of Asia Pacific management experience having provided functional leadership in Business Development, Procurement, Manufacturing, Packaging, Certifications & Standards, Logistics Supply Chain Management and Alternative Proteins.Kelvin has shared on trends in Asia including and not limited food and beverage, retail and trade. A TedEx Singapore speaker, his insights have been featured on several mainstream media such as CNA, CNN, Bloomberg, Mediacorp. Aside from Float Foods, he advises a number of SMEs, family offices, startups and Fortune 500 companies seeking expertise in Asia Pacific, helping strategize key decisions including long-term growth, delivery models and business expansion.

Takeshi Komatsu

MHM Singapore(森・濱田松本法律事務所シンガポールオフィス)

Tuan Nguyen

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
In his capacity at the Public Sector Startups Asia Pacific & Japan team at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tuan engages with startups, investors and partners in sectors such as healthcare, smart cities, sustainability, agriculture, digital government, space technology, etc. to help such companies scale through technology mentorship, community networks, and go-to-market support. Tuan is passionate about science and technology innovation for economic and social good. Prior to AWS, Tuan spearheaded various programs, such as an Open Innovation initiative that catalyzes corporate-startup collaborations across Asia, and the Deep Tech for Good platform showcasing startup solutions that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Takahiro Suzuki

Genesia Ventures

Chandra Firmanto

IndoGen Capital
Chandra Firmanto is the Founder and Managing Partner of Indogen Capital ( a Southeast Asia Venture Capital based in Indonesia with more than 30+ portfolio companies, 5 exits, and 1 Unicorns. Indogen Capital is the founder's best partner to help well-performing startups to penetrate network over 150 cities across Indonesia, Indogen's role as the founder's best partner for startups can be seen from Indogen's milestone best practices which continuously give birth to various successful startups both in domestic and foreign countries, those who are not only successful but also grow well and well-developed in winning the Indonesian market).

Kenji Naito

Reeracoen Singapore Pte.Ltd.
2006年リクルート入社。2010年より中国へ出向。上海に赴任。中国での事業拡大に伴い3拠点(蘇州・天津・大連)の設立、立ち上げに従事。後にベトナムに赴任し、同社タイ法人を兼務し新規設立。14年に退職後、人材紹介会社Reeracoen Malaysiaを設立・クアラルンプールに赴任。18年にグループの代表に就任。20年にはアジア17拠点に展開し、新規設立から撤退まで人材事業のみならず各国での会社経営に関わる。13年間アジアの人材マーケットに関わり、人材紹介、クロスボーダーリクルートメント、エキスパートソリューションズ、HRテック事業を展開。
Partner companies that share JSIP's sense of purpose and cooperate and collaborate with us to develop new businesses.
ERIA(Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)IGNITEMediatorMepla JapanOne&CoPR StationSingapore AirlineVRITIMES
Members responsible for the management of JSIP and the planning and operation of various activities *Some members also serve as evangelists.

Ryo Ikenishi

Sansan Global Pte.Ltd
Ryo started his career at Recruit Corporation in 2008, where he gained valuable experience in HR   and sales. During his tenure, he focused on employment recruiting, utilizing recruiting media and web marketing strategies. In 2013, he ventured into entrepreneurial sales and web marketing, specializing in website development, search engine marketing (SEM), and social media marketing (SMM). Driven by his interest in big data analysis and artificial intelligence, he joined Sansan Corporation in 2017. He played a pivotal role in the global expansion of the "Eight”; the largest professional network service in Japan, to Mumbai, India in 2019. And he relocated to Singapore to support the global expansion of B2B SaaS. He also co-founded and has been leading Japan Southeast Asia Innovation Platform (JSIP), a business community in Singapore (members are over 40 companies, mostly major corporations).

Shinsuke Inoue

Dres Private Limited
Shinsuke started his career at Starts Corporate Services Co., Ltd. in 2002, He was in charge of designing and implementing a B2B web systems for corporate real estate management. In 2007, he joined the commercial store development department, responsible for the real estate management of commercial facilities for national chains. . In 2013, he developed and implemented in Singapore a design creative production company, Queserser Pte. Ltd Developing branding and marketing for Japanese companies establishing in Singapore. In 2020, he created Dres Private Limited, designing graphics, web development, and system development for over 100 customers, including the travel industry, clinics, real estate, manufacturers, F&B, and education etc. He also co-founded and has been leading Japan Southeast Asia Innovation Platform (JSIP), a business community in Singapore (members are over 40 companies, mostly major corporations).

Yusuke Tsuji

ICMG Pte Ltd, ICMG Co., Ltd.
新卒でJ.P.Morganに入社後、ICMGに参画。「Purposeful & Impactful Innovation –世界にとって本質的に意義のあるイノベーションを創り出す–」ことを軸として、多数の共創型イノベーションプロジェクト・プログラム・プラットフォームをリード。アイディエーションから事業化まで顧客と一体となった共同実行に加え、コーポレート戦略、イノベーション戦略、イノベーションプロセス、組織設計、人事制度などの各種制度設計のグランドデザイン、詳細設計、実行をリードした多数の経験を保有(社長直轄の経験も多数保有)。その他、SDGs分野におけるUNDP GCTISDとの戦略提携・共同イニシアチブ創出(国連NY本部からの承認獲得)をリード。各種グローバルプログラムのJudging Panel、Mentorに選出。東京大学にてInnovation for Well-beingをテーマとした授業を担当。

Takaki Nakamura

Cross Capital Pte. Ltd.
Takaki started his career at Sojitz, a general trading company in 2011. He was in charge of 50+ projects and successfully closed 12 deals (worth approximately 650 billion yen) in infrastructure development and M&A projects in emerging countries such as Russia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Vietnam, and Indonesia. In 2016, he joined the M&A Practice team of Accenture Strategy. He supported PE funds and Japanese corporates cross border M&A as a Business Due Diligence advisor and PMI consultant. In 2019, he joined Vertex Holdings, the largest VC firm in Southeast Asia. He was involved in Fund of Funds investment, startups investments as well as open innovation support for Japanese companies. In 2022, he co-founded Cross Capital, a VC FoF / Advisory firm aiming to facilitate cross border collaboration and investments. He also co-founded and has been leading Japan Southeast Asia Innovation Platform (JSIP), a business community in Singapore (members are over 40 companies, mostly major corporations).

Kaori Mitsui

SmartBizTraining Pte. Ltd.
In 2011, she joined Mizuho Bank, Ltd., one of Japan's megabanks. Her role encompassed a variety of tasks including lending operations, investments through the group's venture capital fund, enhancing the value of portfolio companies, and supporting startups in fundraising and public offerings. In 2020, she moved to Money Forward, Inc., a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market. As a project leader, she established two new companies, launched and managed a Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) and a Debt Fund for startups. The first CVC fund raised 3 billion yen and invested in 30 companies. Additionally, completed raising 4.2 billion yen in a Debt Fund. In September 2023, she relocated to Singapore and, in April 2024, joined JSIP. Here, she aims to foster growth and innovation in a dynamic corporate environment, leveraging her 13 years of experience in supporting startups.

Consortium Company

These are the companies that resonate with the concept of JSIP and have joined us as a Consortium membership.
DBJ SingaporeJETRO SingaporeSansan Global三菱地所株式会社阪急阪神不動産株式会社TOYOTA TSUSHO ASIA PACIFICSumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania株式会社東京証券取引所 シンガポール支店AAIC ConsultingOBAYASHI CORPORATIONRicoh SingaporeDaikin Holdings SingaporeGVA国際法律事務所Murata Electronics SingaporeReeracoen Singapore株式会社RecursiveNTTイーアジア株式会社ヤマトホールディングス株式会社SPICAsteria Technology株式会社CARTA HOLDINGS株式会社パンフォーユーKawasaki Heavy Industries (Singapore)平和不動産株式会社
*As of June 2024
Our Consortium Membership provides access to JSIPs services for $5,000 per year.
In addition to Consortium Membership, we also offer individual membership for $500 per year.


About Us

Who is the operating entity of JSIP?

JSIP is operated by JSIP pte. Ltd in Singapore.

What countries does JSIP support?

While our main area is the 10 ASEAN countries, recently we have been receiving an increasing number of inquiries from India, so it depends on the content of the support, but we are willing to handle it on a case-by-case basis.

Are the companies participating in the program mainly companies that are planning to enter or have just entered the market?

We often have companies that have been in the market for more than a year, and any company with a mission to promote new business is welcome to join us.


Can I help with your activities as an Evangelist?

If you are interested in cooperating with us, please contact us using the contact form.

Are Evangelists compensated for their work?

All of our Evangelists are currently working with us without compensation. (However, in some cases, the client company becomes the official client of the Evangelist.)

How many Evangelists are there in all?

As of April 1, 2024, there are 26 members, but the number of foreign members is expected to increase by 20 by 2025.

Ecosystem Partner

Can we become an Ecosystem partner?

We are actively seeking Ecosystem partners, so please contact us using the contact form.

What type of Ecosystem partners are you looking for?

We are widely seeking government players, incubators, VCs, and media who are part of the local startup ecosystem in each country in ASEAN+India and who may have synergistic effects with JSIP.

Does it include Ecosystem partners of Japanese companies?

Yes, of course we include it.


Is it possible to interview JSIP?

Of course, if you wish to interview JSIP or any of the participating companies, please contact us using the Inquiry Form.

We are considering partnering with JSIP, what should I do?

We receive many inquiries from local governments, companies and organizations that are actively involved in innovation activities. Please feel free to contact us by filling out the inquiry form.

We would like to collaborate with companies participating in JSIP and Japanese companies expanding into Southeast Asia. Is it possible to talk with JSIP about this request?

In some cases, we may decline if the content is not directly related to new business/innovation, but we would appreciate it if you could contact us using the inquiry form.


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
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